Playgrounds are an important part of the community for children and families. Playgrounds help foster imagination, socialization skills, and fight the childhood obesity rate. A great park or playground is a healthy and safe place for kids to play and stay active. While playgrounds are great community assets, they can be expensive to install.
Luckily, several corporations, non-profits and the government recognize the importance of playgrounds and these institutions have set up grants to help pay for parks and playgrounds. Playground grants are a tremendous tool when you are figuring out how exactly you are going to pay for the new playground and park equipment.
Many different playground grant options are available, at the local, state and national levels. These grant programs help to fund physical fitness, playground and park equipment. You can find playground and park grants for schools, churches, daycares, communities and more from:
- Corporations – There are many businesses who offer playground grant opportunities for neighborhood, school and park projects. By doing this, these businesses get tax breaks, a more positive public image and the good feeling of giving back to their communities.
- Non-Profit Organizations – There are many non-profit groups who offer grants for community and school playgrounds in order to create free, safe places for kids to play. KaBOOM! is a well-known example of one of these non-profits, providing playground specifically for low-income neighborhoods in need.
- Government – The government offers grants on the local, state and federal level for playgrounds and parks.
Get more information on our matching grants program here.

The task of applying for and writing a playground grant can feel overwhelming, but American Playground Company is here to help you. With a well prepared and thought out grant proposal, you can be on the fast track to being awarded grant money and getting a new park or playground for your community. Here are a few tips to bring you playground grant writing success:
- Write as though you have already won the grant, and are explaining what you will be doing with the money
- Understand the specific purpose of that grant and write to those requirements
- Make an outline before you begin writing
- Note all the questions asked and make sure each one is answered clearly
- Clearly form main points and contributing details
- Use appropriate graphics and images
- Have a second, unfamiliar party read over your draft for clarity
Grants are a great way to cover a large chunk of the cost of playground equipment and installation, there are other ways to come up with any remaining amount you may have. Putting in a playground is a community effort, with many people invested in the project. You can take this man-power to start a fundraising event, such as a bake sale or sponsored run. You can also start a crowdfunding campaign and spread it through social media, gaining donations from more people throughout your community. Click here to learn more about fundraising.
American Playground Company services Omaha, Lincoln and Grand Island, Nebraska; Des Moines, Iowa; Sioux City, Iowa; Sioux Falls, South Dakota; Kansas City, Kansas; Rochester, Minnesota; Wichita, Kansas; and Iowa City, Iowa.